Waste Management

Waste Management


Garbage Removal & Recycling Services

About Us

Waste Management of Arizona provides residential and commercial trash-hauling and recycling services on Tucson's Northwest side, with transfer stations on Ina and I-10, and in the community of Oracle.

Waste Management is North America's leading provider of integrated environmental solutions. Have a question or concern? Email wmcares@wm.com.

We partner with our customers and communities to manage and reduce waste from collection to disposal while recovering valuable resources and creating clean, renewable energy.

Our 40,000+ employees are committed to Environmental Performance — our mission is to maximize resource value, while minimizing environmental impact so that both our economy and our environment can thrive.


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Rep/Contact Info

Jessica Baldwin
Sr. Operations Support Specialist - Maintenance
Chad Bowden
Operations & Improvement Manager for AZ & NM
Rick Davies
District Manager - Tucson
Christine Robles
Senior Operations Specialist
April Saenz